Ядки Начев

Фирмен магазин, София
София, Център, ул. "Георги С. Раковски" 111

Ядки Начев предлагат варива, сурови и печени ядки, шоколадови и хрупкави ядки, семена и сушени плодове на цени на едро и дребно.

Производител:  Ядки Начев

Отзиви от потребители

3.7 (15 гласа)
  • Релевантни отзиви
  • Най-нови
Аз съм напълно доволен от магазина. Разнообразни ядки и сушени плодове в килограмови разфасовки, бързо и любезно обслужване.
🌟 Hidden Gem in Sofia, Bulgaria! 🇧🇬 Discovered an incredible place - "ЯДКИ НАЧЕВ"! Not only the best prices but also the highest quality. The variety of nuts and snacks is a delight. 💪 As an international remote personal trainer and life coach, I understand the importance of quality nutrition. This place provides exactly that - quality that doesn't break the bank. 🥜 Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for wholesome snacks, "ЯДКИ НАЧЕВ" is a must-visit. It's a 5-star find in Sofia! — @ danielbeckwith.pt (International Remote Personal Trainer & Life Coach)
The best nuts, dried fruits, black rice, red lentil in town!! Both for taste and price! Amazing!
Such a nice shop where you can buy nuts in bulk. There are several stores over Sofia and also online ordering is possible. I have bought 1 kg of pistachios for around 30 Leva. They roast the nuts directly in the shop and you can watch it. Staff was friendly and nice. Would absolutely recommend.
За трети пореден път не могат да върнат ресто от 20 лева. Какъв е този магазин, който в 17:00 часа няма оборот, за да развали 20 лева при сметка от 12 лева?
Много стари и гренясали ядки, никога няма да си купя нещо оттам.
They use really slim plastic, one box rice felt and got into the ground, they asked to pay it full price
🌟 Hidden Gem in Sofia, Bulgaria! 🇧🇬 Discovered an incredible place - "ЯДКИ НАЧЕВ"! Not only the best prices but also the highest quality. The variety of nuts and snacks is a delight. 💪 As an international remote personal trainer and life coach, I understand the importance of quality nutrition. This place provides exactly that - quality that doesn't break the bank. 🥜 Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just looking for wholesome snacks, "ЯДКИ НАЧЕВ" is a must-visit. It's a 5-star find in Sofia! — @ danielbeckwith.pt (International Remote Personal Trainer & Life Coach)
Аз съм напълно доволен от магазина. Разнообразни ядки и сушени плодове в килограмови разфасовки, бързо и любезно обслужване.
The best nuts, dried fruits, black rice, red lentil in town!! Both for taste and price! Amazing!
Such a nice shop where you can buy nuts in bulk. There are several stores over Sofia and also online ordering is possible. I have bought 1 kg of pistachios for around 30 Leva. They roast the nuts directly in the shop and you can watch it. Staff was friendly and nice. Would absolutely recommend.
Няма състав нито на индивидуалните опаковки, нито (според служителите) на чувалите, в които ги получават. Звучи ми доста нелегално, а и опасно за хора с алергии.
Лошо обслужване. Загубиха ме като клиент за нещо наистина дребно.
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